🗻 Luma Dream Machine - the Midjourney of videos

+ 👔 AI-powered virtual consultants + 🤖 OpenAI's free contract with Apple


Hello folks,

Friday wraps up a great week of practical AI news and new products. Today, there’s the launch of Luma, a very realistic text-to-video and image-to-video free tool.

Let’s get right into it.

In this issue:

  • 🤝 In Partnership: Smart AI-powered ally and simplified workflow with Aboard

  • 🤿 Deep Dive: Dream Machine, Luma AI’s new text-to-video generator

  • 📕 Learn Something: Create awesome videos with Luma

  • 🔨 Trending Tool: AI-powered virtual assistant

  • 🖼️ AI Art: Examples of great and trending AI art

  • 🤿 Deep Dive: Apple and OpenAI’s non-monetary partnership

  • ⚒️ Tool Snapshots: Tools for AI, no-code, and productivity

  • 📰 Top News: News on AI, no-code, and productivity


Work smarter with workflows from Aboard

Manage projects, track bugs, manage candidate pipelines, create content calendars, or launch a host of other apps with Aboard. In just seconds, you can make the customized software you need to get the job done. It’s simple, fast, easy, and free.


Luma AI's Dream Machine and the Potential Impact on Generative AI Video Creation

Luma AI

Intelligence: AI start-up Luma AI is entering the text-to-video generation segment of the generative AI industry with a new tool, Dream Machine, which can create high-quality videos from simple text prompts.

  • The tool is designed to provide a platform for companies and creators to produce new and original video content quickly.

  • Unlike its competitors, Luma AI has adopted an open-source approach, making the Dream Machine available to anyone interested in experimenting with the platform.

  • Luma AI plans to launch APIs and plugins to integrate the platform with creative software tools such as Adobe.

Significance: The launch of Dream Machine democratizes access to high-quality video creation. However, it also raises legal and ethical questions about potential misuse of the technology for creating deepfakes and spreading misinformation.


Create awesome videos with Luma

Luma Labs released something called Dream Machine, which is free to use. They’re even building an API with it soon so you can connect it to your apps.

Here’s a video I created with the prompt: “A worker in an office creating a chart on their computer

How to do it:

  1. Head to Luma Dream Machine

  2. Type in a prompt or upload a photo. Be sure to select “enhance prompt”

  3. Click generate


AI-Powered Virtual Assistant

Teamcreate is a platform designed for team collaboration and management, allowing you to build customizable AI workers for various roles such as finance, marketing, and sales.  It acts like a virtual assistant, automating repetitive tasks and centralizing communication to keep everyone on the same page.

Image credit: Teamcreate

Here's how it works:

  • Sign Up and Create an Account - Head over to Teamcrate, click on "Get Started", and follow the prompts to create a free account.

  • Meet Your New AI Teammate - Send a message to @teamcreate asking for a new AI helper. You'll be able to choose a team for them to work with and give them a cool nickname, job role, and responsibilities.

  • Set Up Their Tools - Think of it like giving your new teammate access to your office. You'll need to set them up with an email and access to any apps they need to do their job.

  • Train Your AI Pro - Give them tasks and instructions, and they'll get the hang of it quickly. They speak multiple languages (English, Mandarin, Spanish).


Examples of great and trending AI art

frontbackend “Doomsday Vision” crafted with Midjourney


Apple and OpenAI's Non-Monetary Partnership and Future Revenue-Sharing Plans

Intelligence: Apple and OpenAI have reportedly entered into a partnership without any monetary exchange, instead banking on the exposure gained from featuring on Apple devices as sufficient compensation.

  • Apple believes OpenAI's presence on millions of its devices is equal to or more valuable than direct payments.

  • The partnership is non-exclusive, with Apple also negotiating with Anthropic and Google for their chatbots.

  • Apple plans to monetize these partnerships through revenue-sharing agreements.

  • The company expects chatbots and large language models (LLMs) to challenge traditional search engines, potentially impacting its lucrative deal with Google.

Significance: The partnership signifies a significant shift in business models within the AI industry, potentially creating a ripple effect on other tech giants. This could change the way AI partnerships are viewed and negotiated in the future.


Futuristic tools within AI, no-code, and productivity

  • 💻 Dualite - Turn Figma designs into reusable React & HTML/CSS codes. Free to try.

  • 🎭 Synthesia Expressive AI Avatars - Automatically delivering versatile emotional performances. Free option available.

  • 🎨 Stylar - Simplified AI-assisted design for all creatives. Free option available.

  • 🧠 Mapify - Generate mind maps swiftly for enhanced productivity and creativity. Free to try.


News on AI, no-code, automation, and productivity

Spotify has unveiled its first in-house creative agency named 'Creative Lab' to help brands tailor-make ad campaigns for its 615 million listeners, and is spicing it up with 'Quick Audio', an AI tool enabling advertisers to create scripts using AI. 

Stability AI has launched the 'Stable Diffusion 3 Medium', its most advanced text-to-image model, perfectly sized to set a new standard with its running efficiency on both consumer PCs and enterprise GPUs. The cherry on top is its collaboration with NVIDIA, which provided a performance boost of 50%. 

Tesla shareholders have filed a lawsuit against CEO Elon Musk, claiming he's diverted talent and resources from Tesla to his new startup xAI, violating business ethics and breaching fiduciary duties.

With AI-driven advancements, LinkedIn is set to transform job searching, learning personalization, and improve its search experience, meeting the growing demand for AI-integrated tools for regular tasks on the platform.


The Intelligent Worker helps you to be more productive at work with AI, automation, no-code, and other technologies.

We like real, practical, and tangible use-cases and hate hand-wavy, theoretical, and abstract concepts that don’t drive real-world outcomes.

Our mission is to empower individuals, boost their productivity, and future-proof their careers.

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