🎄 Use AI to create amazing Christmas cards

+ 📰 AI can predict your lifespan + ⚒️ Tools to help with business growth


Hello folks,

With the holidays around the corner, let’s use AI to create some cool customized Christmas / New Years / Holiday cards.

Let’s get right into it.

In this issue:

  • 🤝 In Partnership: Incogni, your privacy guardian

  • 📕 Learn Something: Use AI to create amazing Christmas cards

  • 📰 Top News: AI can predict your lifespan 

  • ⚒️ Tool Snapshots: Futuristic tools to help with business growth


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Use AI to create amazing Christmas cards

Here’s a custom card I made for my uncle, who loves playing golf and is always sad during this time because he can’t play due to the weather.

Here are some other cards I created:

For my family in Dubai:

Here’s how you can create one.

1/ Navigate to greetsapp

2/ Select an occasion

3/ Select a design

4/ Type in an image prompt

5/ Select an image

6/ Type in a headline and message

That’s it - you’re done! You can then share the card with anyone.


News on AI, no-code, automation, and productivity

Scientists have developed a quirky AI named "Life2Vec" that digests personal data to predict an individual's death four years in advance, with an accuracy of over 75%. However, challenges remain in privacy matters and the feasibility of applying the model to societies outside of Denmark.

Why should I care?

  • Sneak Peek: Intriguing insight into potential AI capabilities.

  • Life or Death: Understanding the potential social impacts of AI death predictions.

Jim Cramer of CNBC shares perspectives on advancements in generative artificial intelligence (AI), highlighting its application in domains like art creation, drug discovery, and productivity enhancement. However, he also mentions potential concerns, such as the AI outperforming humans in complex tasks like his Harvard general exams.

Why should I care?

  • Limitless Possibilities: AI can significantly enhance various fields.

  • Future concerns: Despite its potential, AI advancements could potentially cause human performance challenges.

2023 was a pivotal year for generative AI, with Alphabet’s Gemini leading the pack, but experts warn of a cool-down in 2024 due to costs and potential regulation. Meanwhile, the UK gears up for huge influence in the EV market as the overall expansion of electric vehicles faces challenges, and humanoid robots like Tesla's Optimus and Amazon's Digit are stepping into the working world.

Why should I care?

  • AI Advancements: Stay in the know about major leaps in AI technology and potential industry shifts.

  • Green Switch-up: Understanding the challenges and opportunities in the accelerating EV market.

  • Robot Revolution: Be the first to know the potential impact of humanoid robots in the workplace.


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Futuristic tools automating business growth

  • 🎨 LogoFast - AI-assisted, personalized logo creation made simple

  • 📸 Pic Copilot - Generate eye-catching product images to boost clicks

  • 📊 Scade.pro - Simplify product development and business automation with AI

  • 📈 Lebesgue - Unveil competitor tactics and boost your ROI by 40%a

  • 📩 Selzy - Simplified email marketing with round-the-clock support.

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