📤 Want to write your long emails in less than 60 seconds?

+ ✔️ Turn bullet points into emails + 🤭 AI mishap suggests recipe creates chlorine gas


Hello folks,

~350 billion emails are sent daily (that’s billions with a “B”), and I know that this email does not help. It’s estimated to be about 28% of the average workweek.

Remember the days when driving was manual and cruise control was a luxury? Now, we have self-driving cars cruising our highways! Similarly, the world of emails is getting a turbo boost!

Imagine reading a report and summarizing it into an email. How about taking a few words like “yes, invite Sam, what time” and turning that into a professional email?

Well, a combination of ChatGPT + No-code + Plugins will make you an email rockstar 🎸🌟

In this issue, we teach you all of that, so stay tuned.

In this issue:

  • 📕 Learn Something: Turn reports into email in < 60 seconds

  • 💥 Trending Tool: Write emails from bullet points with Flowrite

  • 🙃 Something Fun: Someone messed up! AI meal planner suggested a recipe to create chlorine gas

Let’s get right into it…

Turn reports into email in < 60 seconds

Emails are used to communicate deadlines, coordinate meetings, distribute office gossip 👀 and many other use-cases.

Unless you need to have a personal touch, many of these emails can be written by ChatGPT with a few instructions, and it’ll get you more than 90% of the way there!

There are also some great Plugins you can add to make you even faster

Here are some of these ways…

1/ Turn reports into emails

Let’s say you found or created a report as part of your work, and you need to summarize it in an email. We are going to use this manufacturing report as an example.

Simply use ChatGPT + ChatWithPDF plugin

After that, you need to upload your PDF so that the AI can access it.

Next, just put the PDF URL into ChatGPT with a short prompt. I always prefer to tell ChatGPT how I want my email written.

For example:

Read this PDF (“https://tmpfiles.org/dl/1968529/efficiencyprogramimplementationreport.pdf“) and create a concise email. Introduce the report, and mention statistics and numbers. Use the following format:


Key point 1
- Supporting point 1
- Supporting point 2

Key point 2
- Supporting point 1
- Supporting point 2


In less than 60 seconds, you turned a 3 page PDF report into a concise email, that you can just copy and paste into Outlook!

2/ Turn a few bullets into emails

ChatGPT itself is also great at replying to an email, with a short prompt.

You are an assistant that creates replies to emails based on the bullet points / messages I want to convey.

Here is the email:

The reply should have the following message I want to convey:

Here’s an example

It’s pretty amazing how much thinking you can outsource directly to ChatGPT!

Write emails from bullet points with Flowrite

Flowrite takes the above lesson and puts it into overdrive, directly into Gmail or Outlook

You can provide a few instructions, and Flowrite will turn into a professional looking email, that matches your tone and voice based on your previous emails! That’s magic 🎩

For example, go from this

to this 👇

Here are some other benefits:

  • Integrates directly into your inbox - on Gmail, Outlook, Linkedin, and 20 other apps

  • Personalized to your voice - when generating emails, it even provides several versions for you to select from

  • Templates - for repetitive emails and messages

Other cool tools:

  • JustDone - your very own AI article writer

  • Reply.io - automate personal email outreach and follow-ups

  • Hypertype - Write emails 10x faster using AI + your email history

AI meal planner suggested a recipe to create chlorine gas

In a fun twist of AI-gone-wrong, New Zealand's supermarket chain, Pak ‘n’ Save, created a meal-bot app to help customers whip up creative dishes from leftovers (which is actually a great idea in theory!)

But, in something that was inevitable, it dished out recipes for... chlorine gas and "poison bread sandwiches"! Users initially giggled at oddball dishes like "oreo vegetable stir-fry".

Things took a turn for the bizarre when the app suggested the "aromatic water mix" as a refreshing drink, which, spoiler alert: is actually chlorine gas! 

AI mishaps are not something new. Here’s something that happened close to my own neighborhood. A politician used Midjourney to create ads.

They clearly forgot that Midjourney is not the best at creating hands. Can you spot the error?


The Intelligent Worker helps you to be more productive at work with AI, automation, no-code, and other technologies.

We like real, practical, and tangible use-cases and hate hand-wavy, theoretical, and abstract concepts that don’t drive real-world outcomes.

Our mission is to empower individuals, boost their productivity, and future-proof their careers.

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